† denotes Nirody as corresponding / co-corresponding author
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Loosely defined research area: Molecular motors | Bacterial motility and mechanics | Panarthropod locomotion and behavior | Movement through complex environments | Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems | Mathematical and computational biologyLevel of biological organization considered: Molecular 🧬 | Tissue 🦴 | Single-celled organism 🦠 | Multi-cellular organism 🐜
Filtered by level: Molecular 🧬
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ATP synthase: evolution, energetics, and membrane interactions
Jasmine A Nirody†, Itay Budin, Padmini Rangamani
Journal of General Physiology, 2020
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
Load-dependent adaptation near zero load in the bacterial flagellar motor
Jasmine A Nirody†, Ashley L. Nord, Richard M. Berry
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2019
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ] [ Code ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors | Bacterial motility and mechanics
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
Biophysics at the coffee shop: lessons learned working with George Oster
Oleg Igoshin, Jing Chen, Jianhua Xing, Jian Liu, Timothy C. Elston*, Michael Grabe*, Kenneth S. Kim*, Jasmine Nirody*, Padmini Rangamani*, Sean Sun*, Hongyun Wang*, Charles Wolgemuth*
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2019
[Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
Stability analysis in spatial modeling of cell signaling Michael C. Getz, Jasmine A. Nirody, Padmini Rangamani
WIRES Systems Biology, 2018
[ Journal ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical and computational biology
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
A catch-bond drives stator mechanosensitivity in the bacterial flagellar motor
Ashley L. Nord, Emilie Gachon, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Jasmine A. Nirody, Alessandro Barducci, Richard M. Berry, Francesco Pedaci
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017
[ Journal ] [ bioRxiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors | Bacterial motility and mechanics
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
The biophysicist's guide to the bacterial flagellar motor
Jasmine A. Nirody, Yi-Ren Sun, Chien-Jung Lo
Advances in Physics X, 2017
[ Journal ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors | Bacterial motility and mechanics
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
The limiting speed of the bacterial flagellar motor
Jasmine A. Nirody†, Richard M. Berry, George Oster
Biophysical Journal, 2016
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors | Bacterial motility and mechanics | Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
Mechanics of torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor.
Kranthi K. Mandadapu*, Jasmine A. Nirody*, Richard M. Berry, George Oster.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015.
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ] || [ SIAM Connect ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors | Bacterial motility and mechanics | Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
diCal-IBD: demography aware detection of identity-by-descent in unrelated individuals.
Paula Tataru*, Jasmine A. Nirody*, Yun S. Song
Bioinformatics, 2014
[ Journal ] [ bioRxiv ] [ Software: diCal-IBD ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical and computational biology
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
Analysis of unstable behavior in a mathematical model for erythropoiesis
Susana Serna, Jasmine A. Nirody, Miklós Z. Rácz
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2013
[ Journal ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical and computational biology
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬
Structural implications of conserved aspartate residues located in tropomyosin's coiled-coil core
Jeffrey R. Moore, Xiaochuan Li, Jasmine Nirody, William Lehman
BioArchitecture, 2011
[ Journal ] [ Biophysics 2010 Abstract ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors | Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems
Level of organization: Molecular 🧬