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* denotes equal contribution
† denotes Nirody as corresponding / co-corresponding author

Loosely defined research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Bacterial motility and mechanics, Panarthropod walking, Locomotion in complex environments, Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

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Fungal zoospores show contrasting swimming patterns specific to phylum and cytology
Luis Javier Galindo, Thomas A. Richards, Jasmine A Nirody†.
Submitted, 2023.
[ bioRxiv ] [ Motility Data + Code ] [Phylogenetic Datasets ]
Relevant research areas: Locomotion in complex environments, Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

ATP synthase: evolution, energetics, and membrane interactions.
Jasmine A Nirody†, Itay Budin, Padmini Rangamani.
Journal of General Physiology, 2020.
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Load-dependent adaptation near zero load in the bacterial flagellar motor.
Jasmine A Nirody†, Ashley L. Nord, Richard M. Berry.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2019.
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ] [ Code ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Bacterial motility and mechanics, Locomotion in complex environments, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Biophysics at the coffee shop: lessons learned working with George Oster.
Oleg Igoshin, Jing Chen, Jianhua Xing, Jian Liu, Timothy C. Elston*, Michael Grabe*, Kenneth S. Kim*, Jasmine Nirody*, Padmini Rangamani*, Sean Sun*, Hongyun Wang*, Charles Wolgemuth*.
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2019.
[Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Stability analysis in spatial modeling of cell signaling.
Michael C. Getz, Jasmine A. Nirody, Padmini Rangamani.
WIRES Systems Biology, 2018.
[ Journal ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical biology and biophysics.

A catch-bond drives stator mechanosensitivity in the bacterial flagellar motor.
Ashley L. Nord, Emilie Gachon, Ruben Perez-Carrasco, Jasmine A. Nirody, Alessandro Barducci, Richard M. Berry, Francesco Pedaci.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017.
[ Journal ] [ bioRxiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Bacterial motility and mechanics, Locomotion in complex environments, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

The biophysicist's guide to the bacterial flagellar motor.
Jasmine A. Nirody, Yi-Ren Sun, Chien-Jung Lo.
Advances in Physics X, 2017.
[ Online First ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Bacterial motility and mechanics, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

The limiting speed of the bacterial flagellar motor.
Jasmine A. Nirody†, Richard M. Berry, George Oster.
Biophysical Journal, 2016.
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Bacterial motility and mechanics, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Mechanics of torque generation in the bacterial flagellar motor.
Kranthi K. Mandadapu*, Jasmine A. Nirody*, Richard M. Berry, George Oster.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015.
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ]
Coverage: [ SIAM Connect ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Bacterial motility and mechanics, Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems, Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Exploiting pallidal plasticity for stimulation in Parkinson's disease.
Marcel A.J. Lourens, Bettina C. Schwab, Jasmine A. Nirody, Hil G.E. Meijer, Stephan A. van Gils.
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2015.
[ Journal ] [ CNS 2011 Abstract ] [ CNS 2013 Abstract ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical biology and biophysics.

diCal-IBD: demography aware detection of identity-by-descent in unrelated individuals.
Paula Tataru*, Jasmine A. Nirody*, Yun S. Song.
Bioinformatics, 2014.
[ Journal ] [ bioRxiv ] [ Software: diCal-IBD ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Development of spatial coarse-to-fine processing in the visual pathway.
Jasmine A. Nirody†.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2014.
[ Journal ] [ arXiv ] [ CNS 2013 Abstract ] [ MATLAB Code ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Analysis of unstable behavior in a mathematical model for erythropoiesis.
Susana Serna, Jasmine A. Nirody, Miklós Z. Rácz.
Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2013.
[ Journal ]
Relevant research areas: Mathematical biology and biophysics.

Structural implications of conserved aspartate residues located in tropomyosin's coiled-coil core.
Jeffrey R. Moore, Xiaochuan Li, Jasmine Nirody, William Lehman.
BioArchitecture, 2011.
[ Journal ] [ Biophysics 2010 Abstract ]
Relevant research areas: Molecular motors and mechanobiology, Structure-function relationships in biomechanical systems, Mathematical biology and biophysics.