Go back to more recent news here.
Past News (from 2014-2022):
- 19 April 2022: I will give a Abigail Salyers Distinguished Early Career Seminar at UIUC Microbiology.
- 21 March 2022: I will give a Frontiers in Biology seminar at Duke Biology.
- 17 February 2022: I will give a departmental seminar at NYU Biology.
- 24 January 2022: I will give a departmental seminar at University of Chicago Ecology and Evolution.
- 14 January 2022: I will give keynote lecture in the Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Symposium in Princeton.
- 18 November 2021: I will give a (virtual) PBio seminar at The University of Washington.
- 12 November 2021: I will give a (virtual) seminar at Columbia Mechanical Engineering.
- 1-3 November 2021: I am a 2021 Intersections Science Fellow! Thanks very much to the selection committee! Please come see some great talks on exciting science at the upcoming Symposium.
- 1 November 2021: I will give a (virtual) Biomechanics seminar at UC Berkeley.
- 22 October 2021: I will give the Physics Colloquium at Northwestern University.
- 4-5 October 2021: I will give a (virtual) talk at the Soft Matter Symposium at Duke University.
- 30 September 2021: I will give a (virtual) Condensed Matter and Biophysics seminar at Brown Physics (co-hosted by EEB).
- July 2021: I am a 2021 Leading Edge Fellow! Thank you very much to the selection committee!
- 23-24 June 2021: I will give a talk in the Integrative Mechanics session at the workshop on Mechanics in Physiological Systems: From Organelle to Organism, hosted by Janelia Rearch Campus. [Update: A recording of the webinar is up now! My talk is here.]
- 4 Feburary 2021: I gave a (virtual) biomechanics seminar at UCSD.
- 3 January - 28 February 2021: I gave a (virtual) talk in the Physical Mechanisms of Behavior session at SICB. [Update: Check it out here!]
- 9 October 2020: I spoke at the University of Chicago's Rising Stars in Soft and Biological Matter Symposium.
- 14 August 2020: I gave a seminar in the virtual Biophysics and Physical Biology Series. [Update: Check it out here!]
- 24 April 2020: I will give a Physics and Astronomy Colloquium at Northwestern University. [Update: Postponed; to be rescheduled for the 2020-2021 academic year!]
- 28 February 2020: I gave a seminar at Columbia Mechanical Engineering.
- 17 February 2020: I gave a seminar at Princeton Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
- 10 February 2020: I gave a seminar at the Center for Soft Matter at NYU.
- 6 February 2020: I spoke at the Nanoseminar series at New York University.
- 3 February 2020: I gave a Condensed Matter Seminar at the University of Pennsylvania.
- 4-7 January 2020: I will attend the annual SICB meeting in Austin, TX.
- 5-8 November 2019: I attended the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment Summit in Santa Fe, NM.
- 9-10 September 2019: I attended Physics Meets Biology in Oxford, UK.
- 28-30 August 2019: I attended the Postdocs in Complexity Conference at the Sante Fe Institute.
- 19 July 2019: Our article, 'Biophysics at the coffee shop: lessons learned working with George Oster', written by a large group of George's former students and postdocs (spearheaded by Oleg Igoshin, Jing Chen, Jianhua Xing, and Jian Liu) appears in an issue Molecular Biology of the Cell, dedicated to his honor. A preprint can be found here.
- 2-26 July 2019: I was away at the University of Oxford for ongoing research in collaboration with the Berry Lab.
- 12-15 March 2019: I will attend the Postdocs in Complexity Conference at the Sante Fe Institute.
- 4-8 March 2019: I will give a talk at the American Physical Society's Annual March Meeting in Boston, MA.
- 7 October-1 December 2018: Lisa Lodwick and I are organizing our second term of a seminar series, Reproducibility and Open Research at All Souls. [Update: We have a term card! It is here.]
- 23 October 2018: My dissertation was chosen for the 2018 Award for Outstanding Thesis Research in Biological Research by the American Physical Society!
- 10-13 October 2018: I will attend the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment Summit in Park City, Utah.
- 14 June 2018: Lisa Lodwick and I spoke at the Open Access Oxford Social Sciences Event.
- 24 April-12 June 2018: I organized (joint with Lisa Lodwick) a seminar series on Reproducibility and Open Research at All Souls! [Update: We have a term card! It is here.]
- 12 April 2018: I spoke at the Widely Applied Math (WAM!) Seminar at Harvard.
- 27-30 March 2018: I will attend the Postdocs in Complexity Conference at the Santa Fe Institute.
- 9-10 January 2018: I was at (second annual!) Reproducible Research Hackathon at BIDS in Berkeley.
- 21 November 2017: I spoke at the Cornell Department of Physiology and Biophysics.
- 17-20 June 2017: I attended the BPS Thematic Meeting, Single-Cell Biophysics: Measurement, Modulation, and Modeling, at NTU in Taipei, Taiwan.
- 10 June 2017: I co-organized "Cellular Biophysics: Experiment Meets Theory", a one-day conference in Berkeley!
- 15 January-early May 2017: I visited Richard Berry's lab at the University of Oxford.
- 16 February 2017: I gave seminar at the Center for Studies in Physics and Biology at The Rockefeller University.
- 10 March 2017: I gave a seminar in the Physics department at Oxford.
- 10-15 February 2017: I gave a talk at the Biophysical Society's Annual Meeting.
- 6 February 2017: I gave a seminar in the Physics of Living Systems group at MIT.
- 8-13 January 2017: I attended the Postdocs in Complexity Conference at the Santa Fe Institute.
- 1 November 2016: I was awarded the James S. McDonnell Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Studying Complex Systems. Thank you to the JSMF!
- October 2016: I was featured in the Biophysical Society's October Newsletter Student Center -- thanks to BPS for letting me share why I think biomechanics is so cool! [ Check it out here ]
- 1 October-late November 2016: I visited the University of Oxford for ongoing research in collaboration with the Berry Lab.
- 23-26 October 2016: I attended the Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment Summit at New York University. [Update: I organized a session titled "Not just -omics: biological data of all kinds (and how to deal with it!)". Thanks to everyone who came and contributed to the discussion!]
- 23-25 September 2016: I gave a talk at the UC Berkeley Biophysics retreat in Point Reyes.
- 16 August 2016: I gave a talk at the UC Berkeley Computational Biology Student Symposium.
- 23 May-August 2016: I was away at the University of Oxford for ongoing research in collaboration with the Berry Lab.
- ~20 June 2016: I am moonlighting as a Biophysical Society Guest Blogger! I recapped the Thematic Meeting in Vancouver here.
- 14-17 June 2016: I presented a poster at Engineering Approaches to Biomolecular Motors in Vancouver, Canada. [Update: BFM won a BPS Best Student Poster Award!]
- 10 June 2016: I gave a talk at the Biophysics and Soft Matter Seminar at Simon Fraser University.
- 6 May 2016: I gave a talk at the Annual Microbial Student Symposium.
- 11 January-13 May 2016: I participated in the Simons Institute for Theoretical Computing's spring program: Algorithmic Challenges in Genomics.
- 14-18 March 2016: I gave a talk at the APS 2016 March Meeting in Baltimore.
- 7 March 2016: I gave a talk at the University of California, San Francisco.
- 29 December 2015: I gave a talk at the Statistical Physics Holiday Seminar at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest.
- 4-7 October 2015: I attended the Moore/Sloan Data Science Environment Summit near Seattle.
- 19 May 2015: I am a 2015 Data Science Fellow. Thanks, Berkeley Institute for Data Science!!
- 1 June-21 August 2015: I was an intern at Microsoft Research in Cambridge (UK).
- 22 February - 15 May 2015: I was away at the University of Oxford for ongoing research in collaboration with the Berry Lab.
- 22-23 November 2014: I attended the Annual QB3 Computational and Genomic Biology Retreat in Marshall, CA. [Update: BFM won the Best Talk Award!]
- 19 November 2014: I got the chance to excitedly babble about bacterial mechanics in this interview with SIAM. [ SIAM Connect ]
- 6 November 2014: I attended the symposium Mechanobiology: Pushing and Pulling on Life at Stanford University's Bio-X Institute. [ Poster ]
- 25 September - 10 October 2014: I visited the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics in Frankfurt, Microsoft Research in Cambridge (UK), and the University of Oxford!
- 22-26 September 2014: I attended the Cell Physics 2014 conference at the Universität des Saarlandes. [ Poster ]
- 29 August 2014: I passed my qualifying exam and am now a PhD candidate! [ QE proposal ]
- 3-7 August 2014: I attended the 2014 SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences.
- 9-11 June 2014: I attended the Virtual Cell Short Course at the University of Connecticut Health Center.
- 13 March 2014: Our software diCal-IBD is now available! [ Sourceforge ]